New Year employee benefits resolutions
It’s that time of the year again, where we all set out to make our New Year’s resolutions. These however are the resolutions that invariably, most of us end up breaking! A poll of 2,000 British people, published by Bupa last year found, that of those making resolutions, half were not confident they would stick to them.
So why do we do this every year, set these resolutions if we know we’re going to fail? We view January as a fresh start, and the perfect time to set goals and achievements for the year ahead, which leads us to make these promises to ourselves. But, perhaps, running these resolutions singlehandedly isn’t the way to achieve them. And, if we know people often fail on their resolutions, could we be doing more as employers to support our workforce?
We know that the most common New Year’s resolutions include; losing weight, getting healthier, saving more and spending less, improving our work / life balance. So perhaps we should look at our benefits offering to see if we can help our employees achieve their goals this year.
I’m sure most of us will be offering some benefits already that could help our employees in meeting their New Year resolutions, including; healthcare benefits, pension / retirement benefits to name just a couple. So this is a good place to start, and you could create some content and raise awareness of these benefits with your employees again right now.
Now might also be a good time to consider your wellbeing strategy if you haven’t already. Of the common resolutions listed earlier, these could all form part of your company’s wellbeing strategy. We’re seeing more and more employers taking a more strategic approach – we know one aspect of wellbeing quite often links to another. An example of this; we know that money worries can have a negative impact on mental wellbeing and in fact costs employers around an hour of an employee’s time a day whilst they agonize over their money problems*.
How can you improve your employees financial wellbeing
Investment in a wellness programme is proven to increase productivity, reduce absenteeism and retain talent. And this year, it might just help your employees stick to those New Year’s resolutions.
Read our wellbeing guide here for more information or contact us here.
Secondsight is a trading name of Foster Denovo Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
By Morag Livingston