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We are passionate about providing exceptional employee benefits, workplace and financial wellbeing advice and guidance to employers and employees and believe in delivering excellent client experience to everyone we work with.

We want you to feel confident in us and our services, and assured that we’ll help you deliver excellent employee benefits and expert employee facing communications when you need them. The way we work is tailored to you and your goals, so you know we’re always on the same page as you.

You don’t just have to take our word for it either. Our client testimonials and Net Promoter Score (NPS) speak for themselves.

“The ideas and connections Secondsight have brought to Epson and our local HR team, have
been invaluable and meant we have set new financial benefits and wellbeing solutions in
place that we would simply not have done before.”
Stuart Chalmers, HR Manager UK, Ireland and Nordics, Epson Europe

We use NPS to gauge our clients’ attitude to our services and measure how likely they’d be to recommend us to others. A score over +50 is deemed to be world-class. We’re thrilled that our commitment to exceptional client service has led to our clients giving us a score of +69.61. It puts us among some of the leading businesses using NPS and confirms our efforts are having a positive impact on businesses across the UK.

Our employees care about their client:

“A good client experience is one delivered with heart, from start to finish. It’s about making that lasting impression through consistency, care and meaningful contact. As I always say, there is no traffic jams on the extra mile!”
Lori Snaith-Wright – Client Relationship Manager

If you’d like to discuss any of our services and how we can provide dedicated support to your organisation, please get in touch.



New for 2022! Get your copy of our workplace wellbeing guide.


Whilst we work closely with organisations to deliver an exceptional client experience, we recognise the importance of adding value to your people too. After all, improving engagement with employees is one of the reasons you may have approached us.

Across our services, from designing a benefits package to delivering bespoke financial education programmes, we want to offer value to your people too. Whether your employees are watching a video on our online portal or you’ve engaged us to provide financial education face to face, every member of your team will benefit from our client-focused approach. Our goal is to add real value to both organisations and individuals.

Please feel free to get in touch to find out more.

Client Testimonials

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