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Your benefits package may not be at the forefront of your mind, but it’s important you take an active interest, understand what’s available, and how you can get the most out of your employee benefits package – after all it’s a series of benefits for you.

Your pension

The pension scene has changed beyond recognition in recent years.

  • automatic enrolment means you are likely to be a member of your company pension scheme and you’ll want to know your pension options;
  • pension freedoms introduced in 2015 means if you are aged 55 and over you can make highly significant decisions that could affect your retirement income; and
  • 2016 saw the law on allowances change, with ramifications for higher earners and those with large pension pots.

Your wellbeing benefits

These could include Group Life Assurance, Group Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover.  And it’s worth exploring if these benefits are available to you, as they can provide financial protection to you and your family.

  • Do you understand what group risk benefits are available to you?
  • Are you able to change the level of cover to fit your needs?
  • Could you manage financially in the event of long-term sickness?

Managing our finances has become more complex, and more people than ever are finding they need help with their finances.

You may be fortunate enough to receive some form of financial education or advice through your employer, but if you don’t, you may want to talk to an adviser.

Should you need financial advice, relating to your pension, protecting your money and ensuring your family are looked after or mortgage advice, we can help. Contact Secondsight on: info@second-sight.com


Accessing pension benefits early may impact on levels of retirement income and is not suitable for everyone.  You should seek advice to understand your options at retirement.

If you already know us, you may need to speak to one of our team, you can contact us on: info@second-sight.com

Key documentation for employees

Salary exchange information

Financial wellness score privacy policy

Your benefits online with Mybenefitsatwork

You may have access to our online benefits communication tool through your employer.  If you do, you can log on here. Learn more about your benefits through a series of videos, animation and easy to understand explanations.  You can access Mybenefitsatwork on all mobile devices, your PC or laptop 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

The rules around how we protect your personal data are changing

We are committed to treating your personal data with the utmost care, and will treat all personal data as confidential. We will not process it other than for legitimate purposes.

You can find more information on our website through our updated privacy policy, which is in line with the requirements set out by the General Data Protection Regulation.

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