October 31, 2023

7 useful questions if your employees plan to take a flexible income from their pension

7 useful questions if your employees plan to take a flexible income from their pension

When your employees start to access their pension, how will they take an income? One of their options may be to withdraw a flexible income that suits their needs through a flexi-access drawdown.

A flexible income puts them in control and means they can adjust how much they withdraw from their pension if they need to. However, they also need to consider what income is the “right” amount to balance their short, and long term needs.

In fact, according to a report from think tank World Economic Forum, the average UK man faces outliving his pension by more than 10 years. For women, it’s more than 12 years.

Deciding how much to withdraw from their pension can seem like a balancing act, and there are often many factors they need to consider.

With that in mind, read and share our latest guide to learn more about seven questions your employees may want to consider when taking a flexible income from a pension.