We are delighted to announce that we have been accredited by Investors In People again, this time achieving Platinum status! This is fantastic news for us, and the award continues to showcase our position as an employer of choice, and one who develops and invests in our people.
We are delighted to be announced as a Finalist at Workplace Savings and Benefits (WSB) awards, having been nominated in the Financial Education Provider of the Year category.
We are delighted to have won a Workplace Savings and Benefits (WSB) awards, having been crowned winner of the category Financial Education Provider of the Year. The award highlights our commitment to developing financial wellbeing and education for employees.
Our parent company Foster Denovo have been announced as one of the finalists at the 2021 Money Marketing Awards in the category, ‘best ESG advice firm’ in recognition of our FD Dynamic Portfolio’s, in particular our Sustainable Dynamic Portfolios range.
We are delighted to reveal that we have been accredited by Investors In People once again, only this time going one stage better and achieving Gold. With only 16% of organisations achieving Gold, the award cements our position as an employer of choice and one who develops and invests in our people.
We are thrilled that The Rewards has recognised our employee benefits advice, strategies and client service by naming us winners of the Employee Benefits Provider Award.
We are delighted to have been recognised for our employee benefits advice and strategies, having been named as a finalist at The Rewards this year.
We were recognised as one of the finalist at this year’s Workplace Savings and Benefits awards in the category, Employee Benefit Consultant of the Year.
Our client, Weil, was one of the finalists at the 2019 Workplace Savings and Benefits Awards. The shortlisting is in recognition of the organisation’s excellent employee health and wellbeing strategy.
We are delighted that the Global Business Excellence awards has recognised our pensions work and awarded us the accolade 'most outstanding workplace pension adviser 2019 - UK'.
Foster Denovo were included in the top 10 of FT Adviser’s Top 100 Financial Advisers list.
Our parent company, foster Denovo were included in New Model Adviser’s Top 100 list for 2018. The list is created to showcase firms who New Model Adviser think deserve praise.
We were pleased to be finalists for employee benefits consultant of the year at the WS&B awards.
We were delighted to learn that for the second year running, we were crowned winners in the Best Corporate Adviser category at the Money Marketing Awards.
Alongside our Parent Company, Foster Denovo, we are delighted to have been awarded the Investors in People Silver accreditation. We had previously held this award with a Bronze accreditation, so we are thrilled to have been reaccredited to the next level.
Alongside our Parent Company, Foster Denovo, we have received the accolade; Leading Experts of 2018 - Leading Workplace Pension Adviser of the Year at the Wealth & Finance awards.
In announcing our win, the judges told us they especially liked our focus on wellbeing . encompassing financial, health and mental wellbeing, along with our range of communication methods to suit different employers' needs.
Foster Denovo were awarded ‘Best for Employee Benefits Advisory Services 2016- UK’ at the Wealth & Finance awards.
Secondsight were finalists in the category, Best Corporate Adviser, at 2016's Money Marketing Awards.
Alongside our parent company, Foster Denovo, we were shortlisted for Adviser Firm of the Year (London) and Best Client Engagement Award for Mybenefitsatwork at the Professional Adviser Awards 2016.
Foster Denovo was shortlisted in the Editors Choice category at the FSTech awards. Foster Denovo's entry reflected the innovation and development of Mybenefitsatwork and how it has helped to increase employee engagement and understanding of their benefits.
Foster Denovo was awarded ‘Best Financial Adviser 2016' in the Private Equity Fund Manager of the Year awards, part of the Wealth & Finance Awards.
Alongside our parent company, we were delighted to be announced as the winners of the following two categories at 2015's Finance Awards: - Workplace Financial Education Firm of the Year- UK - Best for Employee Benefits Advisory Services - UK
Foster Denovo won the Estate Planner of the Year 2015 Award at the Solidus Conference 2015. This was in recognition of the excellent achievements in providing comprehensive estate planning solutions to our clients. We previously won this award in 2012 and 2014.
Foster Denovo was highly commended in the Learning at Work Week Best Event Award for Promoting a Learning Culture in the SME category. This reflected the strength and quality of our entry which put us in very close contention for winning the overall award. The judges were particularly impressed with our overall approach, clear objectives and partnership working.
Alongside out parent company, Foster Denovo we won Best Auto-Enrolment Solution at the Money Marketing Awards 2015. Foster Denovo were also shortlisted for the Best Professional Development Award.
Oracle was a finalist in the Best Financial Education Strategy category at the 2015 Employee Benefits awards. The shortlisting recognised the implementation and work surrounding their financial education programme.
Foster Denovo was a finalist at the 2015 Charity Times Awards in the category of Consultancy of the Year. The entry recognised Foster Denovo’s latest innovation, Mybenefitsatwork, which was designed with the third sector in mind.
We were announced as finalists in the category Employee Benefit Consultant of the Year and our client Oracle was a finalist in the category, Best Financial Education Initiative of the Year at the Workplace Savings and Benefits Awards. The Workplace Savings and Benefits Awards recognise employer and provider excellence over the last 12 months.
Foster Denovo made the finals of the UK Financial Services Experience Awards 2015. Foster Denovo was shortlisted in the Business Change or Transformation category for the excellent client experience provided throughout Foster Denovo and Secondsight.
Oracle, was shortlisted for Best Financial Education Strategy at the Very Important Benefit Awards 2015 (part of the publication Reward). The shortlisting recognised their excellent work surrounding their workplace financial education programme.
Our client, Oracle was a finalist in the category Best Workplace Savings Solution in 2015 at the Pensions Insight DC Awards for the introduction of workplace financial education as part of their overall employee wellbeing programme.
Alongside out parent company, Foster Denovo we were delighted to learn that we were shortlisted at the 2014 Corporate Adviser Awards for Pension Adviser of the Year. The accolade was in recognition of the pensions work carried out with our corporate and charity clients over the last year.
Foster Denovo wins Paraplanner of the Year at the Professional Adviser Awards.
For the second year running, our parent company, Foster Denovo picked up the award for Best Professional Development. The judges felt that Foster Denovo stood out by being able to show it had continued its drive on training and development support. The judges said the business demonstrated a “focus on delivering better consumer outcomes because that is what it is all about”. The judges said Foster Denovo showed compelling evidence it is living up to its mission statement: “To be the best at nurturing, developing and supporting our people and empowering them to give an outstanding client service.”
Foster Denovo impressed the judges with its ability to create a successful advice firm at scale, based around strong and steady business processes. It looks particularly well positioned to benefit from the current auto-enrolment reforms.
Our client, Martindale Pharma, was a finalist at the 2014 Employee Benefits Awards for Best Financial Education Strategy. Martindale Pharma were shortlisted in recognition of the pensions education and communication delivered to their employees.
We submitted the entry on behalf of our charity client, Victim Support, at the 2014 Employee Benefits Awards. The organisation worked with Foster Denovo ahead of their staging date to carry out a comprehensive pensions project which included consolidating 28 different group personal and stakeholder schemes across 9 different providers and 22 individual personal pension plans and establishing one pension scheme to be used for automatic enrolment.
We were delighted Foster Denovo were awarded Consultancy of the Year at the Charity Times Awards. This was in recognition for helping our Charity clients with cost-effective auto-enrolment and supporting charity workers in their retirement choices. The entry for the awards, in its 15th year, covered our range of cost-effective auto-enrolment services to the charity sector, and the work that has been undertaken to support charity employees in making informed choices about their retirement planning.
Each year Solidus recognise one financial planning group for their delivery of effective estate planning services to clients. We were up against 200 other companies. We won Estate Planner of the Year based on our commitment and the integration of estate planning services. We have invested time and resources in order to identify and deliver improvements in protecting clients’ wealth.
Foster Denovo were announced as winner of the Best Recruitment and Development Award at the Money Marketing Awards 2013. The judges were impressed with the remarkable balance of training and support offered by Foster Denovo and our focus on areas such as management courses and change planning.
We were shortlisted in the category Consultant of the Year at the 2013 CIPD People Management Awards.
Foster Denovo were announced runner up in this highly competitive category and it demonstrates the planning and focus we have had on transforming our business as a result of RDR.
Our client Oracle was a finalist in the category Best Benefits Communication - Large Employer at the 2013 Employee Benefits Awards. This was in recognition of the excellent work that was completed on the re-communication of their flexible benefits package.
We are delighted to announce that we were named as IFA of the Year at the Money Marketing Awards 2013. The judges were impressed with how we were refreshingly open-minded and pragmatic about our evolution and how we demonstrated an impressive strategic plan which delivered results in terms of profits and other objectives. Other finalists included Almary Green Investments, Ashcourt Rowan, Atkinson Bolton Consulting , Lowes Financial Management and Wingate Financial Planning.
Foster Denovo were highly commended at the Health Insurance Awards 2013 in the category of Best Protection Intermediary for the excellent work undertaken with a corporate client. Foster Denovo was shortlisted against LifeSearch, London & Country Mortgage, Moneysworth, Oviso Financial Services and Plan Money.
Our client, Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), won the Most Effective Reward Programme at the Pay & Benefits Awards 2012. Secondsight were also announced as one of the finalists in the category Outsourcing Provider of the Year.
Oracle and ICE were both finalists in the Distinction in Employee Benefits, Rewards and Recognition category for the fantastic work that has been completed on their Pension and Benefits package.
Secondsight wins the Working Partnership Award 2011 in the CIPD Payroll and Pensions Excellence Awards.
Our client Oracle, won Defined Contribution Scheme of the Year at the Pension and Investment UK Scheme Awards.
Our client ICE wins Most Effective Pensions Strategy at the Employee Benefits Awards.
Our client ICE wins the category Performance and Reward at the CIPD People Management Awards.
Our client, Capital One wins Most Effective use of Financial Education in the Workplace Employee Benefits Awards.
Our client, FIS wins Best Communication Strategy at the Pension and Investment UK Scheme Communications Awards.
Our client, Nutricia wins Most Effective Pension Strategy at the Employee Benefits Awards.
Our client, IRI wins Best Rewards Package at the Pay Magazine Awards.
Our client, FIS Wins Best new scheme implementation at the Pensions and Investment UK Scheme Awards.
Our client Royal Automobile Club wins Most Effective Benefits Strategy at the Employee Benefits Awards.
Foster Denovo wins Best New Benefits Strategy Implementation at the Pensions Management Awards.
Secondsight were highly commended in the National Customer Service Awards in 2007.