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Face-to-face communication isn’t always possible and there may be a time when employees want to seek information they can rely on at a time that’s convenient to them. This is where our powerful employee engagement and wellbeing hub bridges the gap.

Mybenefitsatwork was created to help your people understand the value of their benefits. It’s a portal that can make them feel appreciated and happy whilst providing a valuable source of information to support their overall wellbeing. Employees are free to read and view our resources when they need them. It doesn’t have to be used alone either, it perfectly complements more comprehensive face-to-face meetings or a wider financial education programme.

Modular to suit your needs

We know that employee engagement isn’t a one-size-fits-all policy either. The modular design of our portal means you can pick and choose the areas that are most relevant to your staff and goals. For some organisations, that will mean showcasing a particular area, whilst others will want to use the portal in its entirety. It can be tailored completely to you:

  • All employee benefits in one place – easy to understand and compliant information on your employee benefits package.
  • Financial wellbeing hub – empower your people to take control of their money.
  • Mind & body wellbeing by health and employee wellbeing experts, Rightsteps – support your employees’ mental and physical wellbeing.
  • Total Rewards Statement – it illustrates the financial value of your people’s benefits package.
  • Discount vouchers marketplace – provide employees with valuable discounts on everyday items, days out and holidays.
  • Share plans – help employees to make informed decisions on whether they should join the plans and which one is right for them.


New for 2022! Get your copy of our workplace wellbeing guide.


The portal uses everyday language to discuss complex matters, from the options when accessing a pension to how to secure a mortgage; our aim is to make the portal accessible for everyone.

In addition to the core modules, the portal also hosts:

  • a pension calculator where employees can forecast how much they are on track to retire;
  • a financial wellbeing assessment to help your people understand where they are with their finances;
  • a dedicated financial concierge service so employees can talk to somebody about their financial needs and requirements; and
  • a bi-monthly newsletter to keep your people up to date on financial matters.

If you’d like to discuss how Mybenefitsatwork could help your employees better understand their benefits and improve their overall wellbeing, please contact us.

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