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Month: September 2022

Communicating default pension funds and ESG with your employees

Communicating default pension funds and ESG with your employees

Workplace pensions are now an important part of people's employment. In 2012, the introduction of auto enrolment meant contributions to workplace pensions increased significantly and in 2020, 19.4 million1 employees were participating in a workplace pension. But, [..]

The parents’ guide to paying for university and student loans

The parents’ guide to paying for university and student loans

If your child will be going to university this year or is planning to further their education in the future, you undoubtedly feel proud. However, you may also worry about what it means for your child financially. That’s because, in recent years, the cost of [..]

Mini-Budget 2022

Mini-Budget 2022

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, announced on Friday 23 September his Growth Plan 2022 to release the huge potential in the British economy by tackling high energy costs and inflation and delivering higher productivity and wages. This is the biggest [..]

Smart Money September/October 2022

Smart Money September/October 2022

Welcome to our latest edition. Rising living costs have been so significant in recent months that most UK households will have noticed a squeeze on their monthly budgets. Not only does this have a direct impact on people’s lifestyles, even though they are making [..]

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