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Tag: pension

Smart Money July/August

Smart Money July/August

Welcome to our July/August edition of Smart Money. When your employees are planning for their retirement, it's important to keep in mind that pension savings can be a critical part of their financial strategy and are essential for ensuring a comfortable retirement. [..]

Smart Money January/February

Smart Money January/February

Welcome to our first edition of Smart Money for 2024 In this first issue we look at the changes to National Insurance Contributions (NIC), in the Autumn Statement 2023 last November, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced significant reforms to National Insurance. Read [..]

Guide: 7 useful questions if your employees plan to take a flexible income from their pension

Guide: 7 useful questions if your employees plan to take a flexible income from their pension

When your employees start to access their pension, how will they take an income? One of their options may be to withdraw a flexible income that suits their needs through a flexi-access drawdown. A flexible income puts them in control and means they can adjust how [..]

Why young people need to act now to avoid pension poverty and how you can help

Why young people need to act now to avoid pension poverty and how you can help

Neal Shepherd, Partner at Secondsight highlights in his latest blog the dangers young people are facing by putting off their pension saving. Young people who put off paying into a pension could threaten their future living standards in retirement. According to [..]

Your guide to pension consolidation

Your guide to pension consolidation

Do you have multiple pensions? In some cases, consolidating them could be beneficial. Pension consolidation is when you combine two or more pensions into a single pot. You may decide to do this as you approach retirement or during your working life for a variety [..]

Have you lost track of your retirement savings?

Have you lost track of your retirement savings?

According to recent data from the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI), there is £26.6 billion lying in unclaimed, inactive, or lost pension pots. Since 2018, this value has increased by 37.7%, or over £7 billion, and more than 2.8 million pension pots are now regarded [..]

Rejuvenating the BCT pension; meeting sustainability requirements whilst reducing charges

Rejuvenating the BCT pension; meeting sustainability requirements whilst reducing charges

The Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) is a UK not for profit organisation devoted to the conservation of bats and the landscapes on which they rely. In 2021 BCT chose to review their pension offering, wanting a scheme that was aligned with their values around [..]

Smart Money July/August

Smart Money July/August

Welcome to our latest edition. It’s not surprising that the world of investing can seem complex, especially in the current global economic climate. Investors face an endless supply of market news, many investment choices and often-changing market conditions. There [..]

Smart Money March/April

Smart Money March/April

Welcome to our latest edition. Inside, we look at why now is the time to make sure you protect your wealth. The word ‘inflation’ had barely featured in the market’s vocabulary in the last three decades until it suddenly started to come back with a vengeance in [..]

Smart Money January/February

Smart Money January/February

Welcome to our latest edition. Inside, we look at New Year’s tax saving resolutions to make sure you are fully utilising your relevant tax planning opportunities. With the tax year end (5 April) on the horizon, taking action now may give you the opportunity to [..]

Have you lost track of your retirement savings?

Have you lost track of your retirement savings?

Research conducted by ABI last year highlighted that 1.6 million pension pots worth £19.4 billion are unclaimed.  Although these statistics are pretty shocking, they may not come as a total surprise.  Our lives have changed and for the majority, the days of [..]

Pension Awareness Day – Engaging employees with their pension

Pension Awareness Day – Engaging employees with their pension

Pensions are a really important part of peoples’ future. Although most employees know they should be saving for their retirement, for many it’s just not top of their agenda. And for some, it’s not something they plan to worry about until nearer the [..]

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