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Looking after your employees’ financial wellbeing is paramount. Financial stress can have an impact on overall wellbeing and happiness. If your employees are struggling to manage their money and don’t know where to turn to for support, it could have an impact on your business too.

According to our research:

  • almost half of employees surveyed said they had no money left at the end of the month to fall back on should a financial emergency occur; and
  • 21% of employees admitted that personal income or financial worries caused them the most stress whilst at work.

It’s clear that financial stress can affect anyone and as each employee’s circumstances are different, knowing where to start can often be a problem. As part of our financial education programme, we use The Personal Financial Wellbeing Assessment to pinpoint where the highest levels of financial stress lie within your organisation. The assessment only takes one minute and provides your employees with a personalised financial wellbeing report which details their level of financial stress and suggested steps on how to make improvements. As an employer, you receive a corporate report enabling you to be strategic with your financial wellbeing approach. You can take an example assessment here.



A guide to financial education in the workplace.


We want to help more people understand their financial position and what it means for their future. We can work with you to embed financial education into your organisation and improve the wellbeing of your workforce, boosting productivity and engagement.

Our financial education programme covers a range of topics, from budgeting and saving, to understanding the mortgage market, through to pensions for higher earners and the actions you should take when nearing retirement. No matter what approach you take, together we can help you create greater financial certainty for your people.

Making the most of technology

We believe the most effective way to improve financial certainty is face to face, whether this is in person or using technology, such as webinars, it’s something we can deliver on a one-to-one basis or to a wider group where appropriate.

In addition to this, we offer an online financial wellbeing module that uses animations and videos to communicate the financial challenges and opportunities your employees may face. Our Mybenefitsatwork portal also covers general health and wellbeing too, creating a holistic solution for employees.

Whilst we appreciate that financial wellbeing can be difficult to assess, we make it easy by using a combination of our assessment, feedback and employees taking action. We can help you take the necessary steps to improving your employees’ financial health and overall wellbeing. Get in touch to find out more.

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