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We have years of experience working closely with many schools across the UK, providing ongoing support and specialist advice around the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS), other staff pensions and wider employee benefits.

Both schools and teachers have seen their payments into the scheme rise to their highest levels ever. However, for most teachers this doesn’t result in a more generous pension because members have been moved onto a career average basis for future accumulation, rather than final salary.

In addition, some teachers also saw contributions increase due to TPS salary band level adjustment and wage inflation. As a result, they paid more without any corresponding increase in pension benefit.

While every school is unique, those operating primarily as charities or trusts may feel greater pressure to manage the rising costs associated with the TPS.

It’s not just about pensions

Against this background, we consider every option when researching alternative pension and benefit arrangements, whether that is for some or all teachers and/or the wider workforce.

TPS offers ill-health and death-in-service benefits to members. If you are considering reviewing your future participation in the scheme, it’s important to take these elements into account. That’s why our specialist pension and health and protection teams offer comprehensive support, ensuring every angle is carefully considered.

Our expertise

We can now offer further in-depth expertise in this market after the Secondsight team and Punter Southall’s employee benefit specialists joined forces in an acquisition completed early in 2024.

By coming together, we’re adding to a long history of successfully supporting independent schools as they review their benefits.

Professional partnerships = successful consultations

We strongly believe pension and benefit advice, as well as legal advice, are equally critical in the successful delivery of change and we regularly work alongside lawyers to help deliver compliant and engaging consultation communications.

A future relationship

If your school implements changes, our work doesn’t stop there. We continue to provide support around the benefits, including building employee engagement, compliance with your legal duties and ongoing due diligence around both your choice of scheme and provider.

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