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Our team will work alongside you as you review or put in place a workplace pension that reflects your goals, business and employees. We want to help you provide a service that matches your requirements and exceeds your expectations with minimum fuss.

Workplace pensions play an important role in retirement planning for millions of people. It’s no different for your employees. Creating the right workplace pension for your business can help ensure your employees feel confident about their future whilst making your life easier too. We can also help you to measure the impact of your pension provisions, from engagement with employees through to financial return, allowing you to get as much out of the scheme as possible.

Providing support where you need it most

Our approach to workplace pensions is dictated by each client. We understand that some businesses will want support in a particular area of workplace pensions whilst others will want to take a more hands-off approach. We’re here to deliver the services you need.

We can advise on a range of areas relating to your workplace pension, including:

  • The closure of Defined Benefit schemes
  • Advising and implementing a new Workplace Pension scheme
  • Selecting a provider
  • Ensuring you meet your automatic enrolment obligations
  • Delivering retirement planning advice to employees
  • Effectively communicating with scheme members
  • Using salary sacrifice to its optimum
  • Managing investment risk
  • Governance of your pension scheme
  • And more

If you’d like to find out more and have any questions at all, please get in touch.



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Our team will work alongside you on all aspects of your pension project. They’ll find out your objectives and will work with you on the design, implementation, administration, communication and member advice, if required. Our goal is to provide a service that fits in with your requirements and exceeds your expectation; we want you to find working with us easy.

We can advise on: the closure of defined benefit schemes, advising and implementing a new workplace pension scheme, such as a Group Personal Pension, selecting a provider, meeting your automatic enrolment obligations and automatic enrolment compliance, member advice and retirement planning advice, communication, using salary sacrifice to its optimum, trustee requirements, governance of your pension scheme, managing risk and full administrative support.

If you’d like to find out how we can help you with a new scheme, or an existing pension scheme, then contact us today.


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