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Smart Money September/October 2022

Smart Money September/October 2022

Welcome to our latest edition. Rising living costs have been so significant in recent months that most UK households will have noticed a squeeze on their monthly budgets. Not only does this have a direct impact on people’s lifestyles, even though they are making [..]

Smart Money July/August

Smart Money July/August

Welcome to our latest edition. It’s not surprising that the world of investing can seem complex, especially in the current global economic climate. Investors face an endless supply of market news, many investment choices and often-changing market conditions. There [..]

White Paper: Workplace pensions and ESG

White Paper: Workplace pensions and ESG

Pensions have a long history in the UK and go back decades. However, the pensions we know today are significantly different to those over a century ago, with many changes having been implemented over this time. These include the launch of the State Earnings Related [..]

Your complete guide to financial protection

Your complete guide to financial protection

Financial protection is an important part of creating long-term security. Yet, it’s something that many people overlook. Appropriate financial protection can provide you or your family with an income or lump sum when you need it most. It can create a [..]

Smart Money May/June 2022

Smart Money May/June 2022

Welcome to our latest edition. Inside, we look at why now is the time to make sure you protect your wealth. The word ‘inflation’ had barely featured in the market’s vocabulary in the last three decades until it suddenly started to come back with a vengeance in [..]

The useful guide to reaching your retirement goals

The useful guide to reaching your retirement goals

Getting the most out of retirement and reaching your goals requires planning. Not thinking about your post-work years until you reach that milestone can mean that a retirement that promised much, falls short. While you might daydream about giving up work, pinning [..]

The useful guide to decluttering your home and life

The useful guide to decluttering your home and life

Over time you can pick up things that clutter your life and mean you aren’t living the lifestyle you want. It might be material items cluttering up your home or even habits that mean you’re distracted from focusing on what you really want. Spring is often [..]

Spring statement 2022

Spring statement 2022

Yesterday, the Chancellor Rishi Sunak delivered his spring statement outlining the government’s fiscal plans for 2022 and beyond. To read our summary of the key points, download here [..]

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